Sunday, June 25, 2017

Rural White Fundamentalist America

This speaks volumes and why American will be at a standstill until rural white America changes its mindset.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Michael Flynn should resign before he's arrested

First, a chuckle.  This is a headline from today's Huffington Post:  "Donald Trump has full confidence in Michael Flynn, Kellyanne Conway says"

Sorry if you needed to wipe of your screen after that.

Chatter about Flynn's phone conversations prior to the U.S. election with Russia is gaining a sense of urgency.   To put it mildly, this is huge.  What were the nature of those conversations and was anything discussed regarding removing Russian sanctions?

Also, according to the Washington Post this evening, Sally Yates, the Acting Attorney Journal who was fired by Trump for refusing to follow his executive order regarding the refugee ban, warned the Trump administration that Flynn may have been compromised.

If Flynn were to go, one of the names being floated around to replace him is David Petraeus.  I seem to remember all sorts of fuss how Hillary Clinton's server "may" have been targeted for hacking and having national secrets exposed.  Petraeus gave classified information TO HIS MISTRESS!

If there was even any sort of discussion of "back scratching," Flynn should be arrested for suspicion of treason.  That's how serious this is.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Holocaust Denial in the White House

The White House failed to mention the slaughter of Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day.  This was the same day Trump issued an executive order issuing a ban for 120 days of all refugees from seven primarily Arab nations.  Coincidence?

Saturday, January 28, 2017

About That Refugee Ban

The Trump administration just placed a ban on refugees from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.  According to an analysis from the Cato Institute, between 1975 and 2015, not a single American was killed by any refugee from any of these countries.

Also not a single one of the 19 hijackers which participated in 9/11  were from any of these countries.

The Radical Right Runs America, But Democrats Still Don’t Get It

From Crook and Liars.  Author Claire Conner breaks down the Radical Right's agenda.  Imagine taking this country back to the 1900s before those evil liberals started bucking the rich white male power structure.

"Where's the opposition to a cabinet of wealthy plutocrats, military hawks. and radicals who want to destroy the agencies they're going to elad.

Good question.  The Democrats are rolling over promising to work with the Trump administration. Where are the progressives?

Read the entire article here.

From Think Progress - This Week in Trump's America: Week 1

The website  has a rundown of the first week of the Trump takeover.  We should all be concerned.  Our civil and human rights are eroding.  resist before it's too late.  

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Fake News? Look no further than Fox News.

There's a lot of talk about fake news these days.  There's fake news, and there's networks who proffer in propaganda and sheer speculation.

Compiled from many more credible sources, the link below lists 403 ways Fox News is the biggest mainstream fake news network   Some favorite headlines include:

     Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment
     Let's compare the backgrounds of science writers for Fox and NPR
    The Top 5 times Bill O'Reilly has been dishonest with America

Fun and informative.